One dream I had a couple of years ago stands out from its sheer detail and length. Most of the time, I only remember snippets. I still remember 90% of this dream (I would have remembered 100% if I hadn’t thrown the notebook away in which I wrote it down). This is the Crazy Vampire Academy Dream.
I’m a lowly human servant piece of scum. I am in a seriously dark room with a low ceiling and a pile of wooden crates. My servant buddy and I are dressed in pitch-black robes. We’re laboring around some furnace, and I’m telling my buddy that I want to escape. She talks about how people have done it before, but most often gotten killed. She tells me that in order to get out of the servants’ quarters, I need to wear the mask that vampires wear to their test room. She hands me the mask she was going to wear. I’m scared for her, because I’m afraid that she’s next in line to be killed (which happens frequently to human servant scum). Just then, a storm cloud forms near the ceiling, lightning flashing through it. A stout, black-robed man emerges from it. He’s some Overseer in high power. He’s doing a survey of the servants. He sees my Mask and tells me to hurry to my testing room.
The testing room turns out to be on a really high floor in a cement building. The walls are dank and dirty and stained and CEMENT. The window is a rectangle that takes up most of the far wall, glassless. There’s a pale yellow butterfly flying around the room. Supposedly, the test is to kill the butterfly in a certain way and take its wings. I don’t like this idea. I like butterflies. I try to help the butterfly escape, but it dies when I accidentally brush its wings with my fingers. Panic shoots through me – what if they find out I screwed up and kill me? I lean out the rectangle window to see if anyone noticed. There’s a Grim Reaper guard that noticed, but his pace is like a slug. I bolt out of the room.
Now I’m in a school-like hallway. This is the classroom part of the Vampire Academy. The hallways are lined on the inside by glass, with four elevators in each corner. I’m trying to find the fastest way out, because if someone notices that I’m an outsider, an alarm will sound and I’ll be killed. I notice one of the classrooms is open, and a kid looks up and sees me. He asks his teacher about me. I bolt for an elevator as the alarm goes off, but then I realize that it will take too long. I jump into the shaft and sort of float down. THEN I WOKE UP.
At this point, I am upset that I had to endure such a horrifying experience. I told my friend about it, hoping he would feel some sympathy, but this was his reaction:

NOT COOL. It was terrifying. If you think escaping bloodthirsty vampires is COOL, then we can never be friends. Sorry.