Monday, August 2, 2010

The Keep (if you don't know what it is, don't read).

I used to do a thing called online roleplaying when I was younger. I frequented a site called The Keep and got to interact with all sorts of interesting characters. After a while, I started to get picky with what I wanted to happen, and bored with people who were uninteresting. So, I stopped RP-ing. I got busy in real life. Recently, I've gone back there, and I'm going to start roleplaying a bit (at least until school starts).

This is a post about things I dislike about profiles. Why? Because I can and I have no more ideas of what to write.


-Listing all of your friends/acquaintances/family/spouses/whatever. If you've met people, awesome, but are you honestly going to RP with most of them again?

-Listing compliments on your profile. If it makes you feel good about your character, then post it where only you can see it. Reading how much other people like your profile is not going to prompt me to make one as well.

-Refusing to use spell check. You could be the greatest RP-er in the world, but if I see twenty spelling mistakes in your profile, I'm going to think you don't care enough to attract serious roleplayers and display your true level of intelligence. derp judgmental derp. Guess what, it does matter.

-Excessive quotes. If you have one or two, that's fine; most of the time, none of us have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

-Playlists. It's cool if your character was inspired by a song, but it's not cool if you've got ten different songs for ten different situations. I like MY music library. D:

-Stats (unless you do D&D-type RPs frequently). I don't know what it means.

-Declaring yourself the ruler of something in OOC profiles. You're not. It's highly likely that I've been here longer than you (I'm talking about you, Mainhallers. I was here when the MH was just starting to be declared OOC again!)

-Slaves in general, but, even more annoyingly, slaves who make a point of being extremely feisty and hard to buy. What's the point of being a slave, then?

EDIT: People who put lists of people they ignore are not cool, either. jerks.

If people from tK are reading this, I know you're going to agree and disagree with a lot of this. I don't really care, either way. I just need a filler post.

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